Development is obtaining freedoms and removing unfreedoms from people’s lives. There are many freedoms that humans need and that will increase the quality of life, and they all work together to enrich human life. The three parts of human development that Selim Jahan mentions relate to three of the biggest freedoms that affect the rest: economic freedom, social opportunities, and expressing one’s voice. Political, economic, and social freedoms drive human development because they work together to increase quality of life and help the human population to be able to achieve development. Political freedoms and civil rights give people the opportunity to choose who should lead the nation and decide what values and policies are important to follow. Civil rights also allow people equal opportunities to participate and experience life. People are given the freedom of political expression and an uncensored press to make decisions for themselves to choose a leader based on what values are important and what path to development makes the most sense. Economic freedoms permit humans to use economic resources for consumption, production, or exchange and give humans the ability to finance. Lastly, social opportunities affect a person’s freedom to live a healthy and better life. Social freedoms are crucial because they provide people with education, health care, and other important arrangements that allow societies to be able to reach development. These three freedoms interact with one another and other freedoms to increase human development. Sen describes that social opportunities are crucial in allowing countries to start developing. Once humans have the access to education and basic health care, they are able to become healthier physically and more knowledgeable about the world today. Therefore, they are able to participate in economic development and politics. If people are suppressed by poverty, the government, or any other factors, they are at a disadvantage and are not able to reach their full potential to be able to participate in the process of development. These unfreedoms hinder people from using their talents to add to the economy or to development of their country. Also, if a country starts by gaining economic development, it makes it easier to obtain social opportunities and to increase life expectancy and health in region. Combining the different freedoms together and using them together will increase human development. To fulfill the hope manifested through the Gettysburg address, humanity has been able to start to develop. It is a long journey to reach human development and there is no real endpoint, but on the journey humans have been able to increase capital, obtain social opportunities, and have begun to become active and participate in the process. Some countries and regions are farther along in the process than others, but all have shown some progress towards human development. The solution to human development is complex because the systems are complex. There are many aspects, such as the freedoms mentioned above, that together can help to increase development. Additionally, the expertise from computer science and statists is another resource that aides this development. It allows policy makers to see the trends of different regions and where they started to where they are now. It can be analyzed what the countries have done in terms of advancing freedoms or if there are still unfreedoms how have those affected development. After analyzed this data, different models or systems can be developed for each region to try and promote global human development because every place is different and has different circumstances and conditions that requires individualized plans. These plans can be adjusted from new data that comes in from other places on what has and has not worked, and the ideas can be fluid and always changing. In selecting the best future path for humanity, leaders and societies needs to collaborate and work together to assist one another. Human development is a complex process that can be started by gaining freedoms and removing unfreedoms from society so that everyone can participate and contribute. Intertwining the freedoms will allow regions to make progress towards becoming developed. Data and statistics can be analyzed to show methods that have worked or not on the path toward development, and collaboration between humanity will increase the chances of reaching global human development.