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  1. What was Hans Rosling’s observation regarding his comparative survey of students at the Karolinska Institute and the Chimpanzees (as well as the faculty who decide the Nobel Prize)? What is the significance of the results from his informal survey on preconceived ideas?
  1. What type of change took place in Asia that preceeded economic growth? Why was this type of change significant?
  1. In accordance with Hans Rosling’s TED talk, what is the relationship between child mortality and GDP per capita?
  1. In terms of income distribution, how has the world changed from 1962 until 2003?
  1. What is the significance of how Hans Rosling uses data to describe global human development in terms of very high spatial and temporal resolutions? How does this relate to his previous observation regarding preconceived ideas?
  1. In your opinion, why was Hans Rosling’s work with the Gapminder project significant in contributing towards advancing the intersection of data science and global human development?