11/4 Essay: We have five reading/watching slots left on our schedule. I’m looking to replace one that’s there now I think is on the weaker side (Thursday 11/18) and I want your help. What topic haven’t we discussed (or will discuss) within the realm of data science and/or human development that you would like covered and discussed in class? Is there a particular video or reading you are aware of that you like or think is valuable that you want the rest of the class to see/read? Briefly explain your thoughts and provide a link, if applicable. I will read your responses later today.
Last class, we touched on recommendation systems, which I think could be an interesting topic to look into a little more, or I looking at how data science is used in sports statistics or in crime rates could be interesting. I like TED talks and would be interested in watching one, so I found a website with what it says are the best 11 TED talks on data science. I put the link below. I think we have already covered a few of the topics, and the others might not be exactly what we would want for the class, but I thought this could be a good starting point in finding an interesting one. I think TED talks are usually engaging and really interesting, so I am able to really absorb the information. I also added a link at the end of a TED talk about basketball and the math behind it, but did not get a chance to watch it so not exactly sure if it is appropriate.
11 TED talks: https://www.springboard.com/blog/data-science/11-must-watch-ted-talks-on-data-science/
Basketball: https://www.ted.com/talks/rajiv_maheswaran_the_math_behind_basketball_s_wildest_moves